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Special Educational Needs

A link to the CRST SEND policy may be found here

SEND Information Report

SEND Information Report link

Church Hill SEND Help and Advice information

SENDCo - Ms R Harris

Assistant SENDCo - Ms H Smith


At Church Hill Middle School, all children receive high quality class teaching which takes into account the needs of all learners in the classroom.

However, we accept that some children may be at risk of not making the required amount of progress either academically, emotionally, socially or physically. We have rigorous procedures in place to quickly identify, plan, implement and review a child’s progress so that a child’s full potential can be met.

We use a graduated approach to quickly identify, plan and implement strategies to meet a child’s needs:

1 – Assessing needs, 2- Plan, 3- Do, 4 – Review

A child’s needs are met using 3 levels of intervention often described as “Waves of Support”, which support their access to the curriculum.

Wave 1 – High quality 1st class teaching and differentiation for all pupils within an inclusive learning environment.
Wave 2 – Specific and time-limited interventions provided for some pupils who need support to accelerate their progress, usually within a group situation. These interventions are reviewed at regular intervals and changed or modified accordingly.
Wave 3 – Highly tailored interventions to support a minority of pupils in order to accelerate their progress. This category is called ‘SEN Support.’ These children may have more complex needs, and will not make adequate progress (socially, emotionally or academically) despite receiving interventions over a period of time.

Children at wave 3 receive an Individual Provision Plan (IPP) or Pastoral Support Plan (PSP) with clear targets, which are reviewed termly in collaboration with parents.

You will find more information within the School Information Report and Policy. Please feel free to drop in to school to find out more information about your child. 

Useful Links

Contact Us

Church Hill Middle School,
Wood Piece Lane,
Church Hill,
B98 9LR

01527 962794